Say no to woke

 A world that has become surrounded by madness

 Opinion text. 

In my blog, I use the title Woke and Wokesupporters to describe the current popular movement called LGBTIQA+ 

Life, which was normal and based on common sense, has shifted day by day in a sicker direction with Woke fuzz. 

The nation is led by mentally ill and attention-seeking people who clearly have a personal agenda to be heard and to be "something". They will leave a footprint after this crazy period only as a mental illness for the youth of this time. 
Perverts and crooked people make the decision-making bodies make the most idiotic decisions concerning the entire nation. Solutions, laws and educational standards that are not based on any rational operating models, let alone improving the nation's future in the long run. 

This destructive period will come to destroy the children, youth and young adults of today. Mental health problems cannot be avoided when education is twisted from an early age. 

Acceptance to another and equality should be basic mindset to everyone. 

Common sense and knowledge have been hidden so that this new sick agenda can run rampant and grow its roots in every direction. 

Woke is a bully culture that is empowered by anger. 

Normal people fear for their jobs, so even big leaders or MPs don't dare raise a finger in protest. Any public figure or person in power who opens his mouth is easily taken for, for example, public lynching. 

Woke is a way for mentally fragile people to get noticed. The group grows among people with an identity crisis and takes on enormous proportions in matters concerning the entire nation. 

The origin of the agenda is still a bit unclear to me, because it has turned the human rights issue into an unfathomable fiasco.

You don't have to accept everything. Their agenda is not set in stone, nor is there any new law and order. This is a fashion phenomenon that goes through a cycle of a few years. The devastation it leaves behind in the mental health of young people is miserable.

Raising children crookedly is not right. Adults who accept this are just as responsible as those who teach it. The management level, which accepts the woke agenda in the education of children and young people, is responsible for future mental health problems. So we have to remember who drove the issue in these crazy years and supported this confusion. 

Why do accept that Children are raised without sexual identity. Where does a child build a self-image if he has no basis from which to identify it. Adults encourage children and young people to make decisions about their bodies in their identity crises. The normal growth of children and young people includes questioning oneself and sexual identity. It's nothing more than that.

An adult who calls himself a furry or other animal needs a bed in a mental hospital and psychiatric treatment, not encouragement to continue his madness. Psychosis is easy to recognize and must be treated with psychological visits and medication.

 It is not ethically right for a mentally ill person to treat him like sane person.  It's sad if someone has mental well-being and their mind is so badly shaken that they don't recognize themselves as a human anymore. 

It is crazy to assume that the whole society accepts this kind of fooling around without objection. 

Tax money is collected for the benefit of society, so taxpayers must also have freedom of speech on common issues. Dictatorship and socialism have NEVER worked in any society, so why go down the same rabbit hole when you got out of it once. 

The word feminism has become confusing.
Before, it was a people's group and organization working for women's rights. For the feminist movement, society became equal in terms of men and women. Today, feminism seems to be largely the playground of transsexual women, i.e. biological men. In the year of Woke's rise, however, feminists spoke up in support of the cause. Women had a good rights equality even then. 

Millions of confused teenagers, as well as mentally unstable adults, found a channel to fill their craving for attention. Around the same time, the women of the Left finally became part of a big voice and gathered a lot of strength around them. The Woke crowd grew to celebrate every invisible group of people for attention-seeking people. Mass bullying from their side is difficult to curb when there are fearful, humiliating members of parliament at the top of the leadership ladder who are afraid of being stigmatized after protesting.

Let's agree on better game rules. No one is discussing the issues at the moment, fear is easy to control. Respect for Woke hustle must be Earned not forced. Respect grows from trust.

Good deeds bear good fruit, which makes the future better. 
Everyone can be and indentify themselves what they want and do what they want to. It doesn't work like this.

When biological men beat female boxers at the Olympics, they are awarded gold medals. That is violence not sport. 

Vagina doesn't define a woman, DNA defines it. Chromosomes are either XX or XY. One of them is always dominant in a person, even if in some cases the physical genitals seem to be opposite. This must be taken into account when it comes to fair sports. 

A living example of the seriousness of the matter. 
When a grown man wants to call himself a furry and they put a litter box in the toilet of a coal mine locker room, something has gone very wrong. A co-worker gets fired when he meows while passing by. How should cat people be treated, how is this Adult game played and why?  Such a mentally ill person is a security risk for the entire company's staff.

What adults lead, children follow. In schools, there are students who read like cats and furries. The cat's litter box  are adjusted to the liking of their parents. Is it a problem with the child's mental health, or the parent's. Kids go to school to learn, not to play.

A living example. Photo proven. The hairy man calls himself a woman and happily goes among the little girls to take showers in the swimming hall. He cannot be removed from the sauna rooms because of Woke acceptance. 
Adult who wants to be seen naked in front of children and look at naked children is a pedophile.

Workplaces don't hire severely depressed people, but they hire furries. 

 Children are dragged into this madness in schools However, when it comes to religion, the child is offered their own suitable option, but not when it comes to Woke agenda. 
Christianity is belittled and denigrated in public.
Christianity is being removed from many schools, which has a profound effect on the weakening of children's value base. Ethics and morality are always changing only for the weakest. 
This is called brainwashing and force-feeding.

Every reader of this blog knows what I mean and those who object are Woke's advocates. I understand the resentment, but I don't regret what I said, because you don't regret your actions either. 

Life comes in seasons. Even this woke time shall pass. Strongest is Love and we all must get along in this planet. 

Kindly~Sini Ariell~


  1. Excellent text. This text represents my thoughts and feelings too 🙏🏾


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