It's a GIRL!!!
The alarm went off at 5:30 in the morning and then straight into the shower. We arrived at the hospital by seven. My mom was with us and we got a private hospital room. The preparations for the operation were done straight away and they rolled me into the operating room at 8:20 am. The epidural was quite painful and the whole procedure very frightening. It felt disgusting to be numb but still feel everything. Stuart was excited and kept the humor up all through the operation. I pretty much cried during the whole surgery because I was afraid that something would go wrong. Finally, they lifted the baby onto by chest and I sobbed from relief and joy. That feeling of having your own child on your chest when you’ve first been deemed to be infertile is indescribable! Stuart was ecstatic when cutting the umbilical cord. The joy i his eyes made me continue my tears of joy. We are now a family. Our baby is huge! 4 240 g 55 cm. A healthy baby girl finally